Building on Bitcoin at the Bazaar

Building on Bitcoin at the Bazaar

One example of the powerful connections products and companies can make at Bitcoin 2024’s Bitcoin Bazaar.


One example of the powerful connections products and companies can make at Bitcoin 2024’s Bitcoin Bazaar.

The Bitcoin Bazaar at Bitcoin 2024 will be a hub of what makes Bitcoin incredible. Builders from around the world looking to improve Bitcoin and its usability will have a platform to get feedback, interact with users, and see firsthand how their product is received. 

The Bitcoin Conference team was lucky enough to speak with the creator of SatsCrap, Chris Tramount, about his experience at the Bitcoin Bazaar at Bitcoin 2023. Tramount is also the CEO of Scarce City and Pepe Flyer, and along, with hosting the official Bitcoin 2023 Art Gallery auctions, his focus at Bitcoin 2023 was demoing the SatsCrap marketplace.

When asked about the key highlights and memorable moments for the team at Bitcoin 2023, Tramount said that “For us, we just wanted to talk to people about what we were building at SatsCrap which was a great experience.” In regards to how the Bazaar demonstrated reception of their product, Tramount explained that “The feedback we received around SatsCrap helped validate the concept that it was a marketplace people are interested in.” 

Tramount also found value in adapting to challenges presented by usage at the Bazaar. “We’re constantly looking at behavioral data around our products and prioritizing developments around them,” he said. “It validated our view that we need to make participating in the marketplace as easy as possible. It’s very easy to confuse people with new concepts.” 

In regards to the future, Tramount said that “We’re building a marketplace that anyone can use to exchange their unwanted goods for precious sats. Our hope is to help people achieve their stacking goals while also offering buyers the lowest prices on the internet for unique items.”

“We’ll constantly improve the product so it’s easier to onboard buyers and sellers,” Tramount explained. “Customer behavior and direct feedback helps us identify the improvements to prioritize.”

The Bitcoin Bazaar aims to be a carefully curated marketplace facilitating transactions between attendees and merchants. This peer-to-peer, bitcoin only, bazaar is set to accommodate a diverse array of over 45 merchants, artisans, and small businesses that want to directly connect with more than 20,000 conference attendees.

If you’re interested in showcasing your product or company at the Bazaar, you can submit your application directly on the Bazaar page at